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    Commercial Name:<br/> Zebeta <br/>Active Ingredient:<br/> Bisoprolol<br/>Production form:<br/> Pills <br/>Utilization:<br/> Zebeta is a beta-blocker, indicated to treat high blood pressure employed alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs<br/>Available Dosages: 2,5mg, 5mg and 10mg<br/>Commercial Name: Zebeta <br/>Active Ingredient: Bisoprolol<br/>Production form: Pills <br/>Utilization: Zebeta is a beta-blocker, indicated to treat high blood pressure employed alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs

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    BISOPROLOL safety information


    Missed dose
    If you suspect that you took too much of Zebeta and experience slow heart rate, wheezing or shortness of breath, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, nausea, sweating, pale skin, fainting, and seizure seek for immediate medical attention.
    Rifampin is able to diminish the effects of Zebeta as it facilitates its metabolism. Ca+ channel blocks and digoxin can enhance the effect of Zebeta which may cause an extremely low rate of the heart. Zebeta should be administered two weeks after treatment with MAO inhibitors was discontinued.
    Common use
    Drug interaction

در حال نمایش 1 نوشته (از کل 1)

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